September 05, 2010

Blog Breakdown

Before I get too far into this I want to explain a little more about the intentions of this blog. Look at it as your guide for ways to live responsibly in Orlando.

While I will be sharing first-person accounts, my main goal for each post is to provide useful information about good things going on in Orlando that match the kind of lifestyle I try to live. This means I'll be discussing topics like places to get tasty veg-friendly eats, companies and products with eco-conscious and green practices, and charitable organizations that are helping the community. And, since I tend to cook a lot I will also be sharing the occasional vegetarian recipe that is easy to make.

I should clarify that I am not a holier-than-thou extremist when it comes to all of these topics. And I'm not here to bash anyone for their lifestyle. There are things I do daily that do not jibe with the ideals I have stated (ie: I drive a car that uses gas, I buy food that has been shipped from other countries, etc.). However, I do try very hard to make mindful decisions to do things where I can to make an impact ... even it is a small impact.

So with all that said, I hope Happy-Go-Veggie will be a resource for all the green-minded things that are making Orlando a great place to live.

I encourage any tips, ideas, and places that are worth checking out so that I can post them here. You can email to let me know.

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