August 31, 2010

Two Years and Counting

This August marked my two-year anniversary of being a vegetarian. I try not to be preachy about my food choices, but I am passionate about what I eat ... or don't eat, for that matter.

I've started Happy-Go-Veggie as a resource for anyone remotely interested in anything related to topics like meat-free eating, being eco-friendly, and living mindfully & responsibly. There are plenty of amazing blogs already out there, including many wonderful vegetarian and vegan ones to boot. But, since Orlando is my home base, the majority of my focus will revolve around the veg/eco movement in Central Florida.

I know there is hunger all over this world and not everyone has the option to turn food away, so I feel fortunate to live in a society where we have this privilege. Attempting to live a conscious lifestyle has also become increasingly important for me, something that will likely continue to evolve as I learn and grow.

While I will be writing opinions, reviews, experiences, recipes, etc., this blog is for the readers. It's a chance to merge all the information about these topics surrounding my vegetarian lifestyle in hopes that it will be useful to others. And since I love seeing photos on blogs, I'm going to do my best to post pictures with each post (disclaimer: I'm not a photographer, so don't get your hopes up).

So, let's get started.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I'm looking forward to future posts, and congrats on your 2 years! :)
